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Thank you for your interest. The call for abstracts is now closed.

Participants will receive the abstract acceptance email no later than 13 December 2024.

Authors of accepted abstracts must purchase event tickets by 3 January 2025 to present their posters on-site.

Further details will be provided in the email.

Call for abstracts: Deadline extended from 31 Oct 2024 to 30 Nov 2024!
Final Notification of Acceptance: 13 Dec 2024
Poster Competition Award:
1st Prize: 3,000 SGD
2nd Prize: 2,000 SGD
3rd Prize: 1,000 SGD
Travel Grant:

A total of 3 grants will be selected: 500 SGD each 

Only students (undergraduate or graduate) and participants from lower-middle-income economies and low-income economies are eligible.

Participants who want to be considered for travel grant are required to submit necessary supporting documents as a proof of your student status (e.g., student visa or certificate from university) or country of origin (e.g., copy of passport).

Lower-middle-income economies and low-income economies as defined by World Bank:  

A total of 3 grants will be selected: 500 SGD each 

Only students (undergraduate or graduate) and participants from lower-middle-income economies and low-income economies are eligible.

Participants who want to be considered for travel grant are required to submit necessary supporting documents as a proof of your student status (e.g., student visa or certificate from university) or origin of country (e.g., copy of passport). Upon consideration, the committee will contact you to request for the necessary documents.

Lower-middle-income economies and low-income economies as defined by World Bank:  

Please download the Abstract Template and submit together with the form below.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
• Please name your file as (Full name of presenting Author)_(Country)_(Abstract Title).
• Only upload .doc, .docx or .pdf.
• Please ensure your abstract file size does not exceed 3 MB to facilitate smooth uploading and processing.
• Please submit a new form if you have any amendments to your file.
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